Friday, June 29, 2012

An excerpt from my journal today...

Ok so today was another awesome day.  And it would be selfish for me not to share the praise reports of what God did. These are only the highlights, I am leaving out the majority of the awe inspiring details, seriously!

First, we had a really sweet time in prayer this morning.

Then we had a great "Fun Day" at the community  center. Amazing time with the kids.

Then we went to a ports Game as a family and with our Restore family and all this happens:

   * Elijah wins the iPad at the game,
   * BBC news station interviews both our community Center director and myself(now they might be interested in a tour of our neighborhood),
   * we get connected with an organization that raises funds for urban ministries and also runs baseball camps for urban youth(they want to get all our kids to their 4th o July camp and game at the ports all for free),
   * then I get connected to a guy who is the new resident overseer that oversees half the local college campus and he is looking for organizations he can partner with to get UOP students involved in social work organizations off campus he heard our interview and is super interested in working with us (Restore community Center!, Cable car???),
   * then the MC for the ports named Rod hears Elijah's story... that he was saving for an iPad but now that he won one he wants to use that money to buy an xBox connects and donate it to the Restore Stockton Community Center.  Well, Rod is super connected to the local radio and news stations and he was really excited about our vision and wants to help Restore Stockton get connected.
    * Did I mention what a proud father I am!!! WOW!

All this to say, today was another regular day in our lives.  A day where the Lord answers our prayers before our eyes.  A day of many blessings.  A day filled with things that cause us to worship God. A day of learning to follow His lead and surrender to his plans. There was much more to this day. There were radical relationships and conversations that permeate our lives... prayer is constant... the spiritual battle and the real struggle to just continue on in faith burdens us. But somehow, by Gods grace, we have made it another day in Stockton.

This Is Stockton! TIS

This is Restore Stockton!

Praise God.